Post Overview Martial Arts Post Overview. All1ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPRSTUVY110 Fascinating Aspects of Okinawan Culture AA Journey Through Karate’s Changing Terminology Art of Self-MotivationAncient Origins and Evolution of Karate Application of Kata techniques BBest Karate Books Bubishi – Part 2Bubishi – Part 1 Bodhidharma and martial artsBall- or heel turn in karate CCombat Strategy in Martial Arts Chinkuchi – Another fancy wordChannan DDifferent Stages of Kata in Karate Dojo Kun EExploring the Ninth Precept of “Ten Precepts of Karate” EscrimaEffect of yelling Evaluating the quality of Kata, part 2Evaluating the quality of Kata, part 1 FFunakoshi Niju kun GGoju-Ryu Kata Glima, Iceland’s martial artsGichin Funakoshi HHistory of Japan’s mythical lion dogs, known as shisa How karate lost its grappling techniquesHistory of the black belt History of the karate-giHistory of Incense Shop Boxing Hidden techniques in KataHow to learn a Kata How to practice Nami-gaeshi IInterpretation of techniques (short version) Invisible bond – Giri JJames Pankiewicz interview Jodo and Jojutsu KKokusai-Dori Kusanku and the Ōshima Hikki incidentKobudo Karate; A blend of Tegumi and Chinese Hand?Kung fu styles Kōsaku MatsumoraKanga “Tode” Sakugawa KalaripayattuKung Fu history Karate styles, take a sliceKiai, Kake-goe and Kime, Part 3, Kime Kiai, Kake-goe and Kime, Part 2, Kake-goeKiai, Kake-goe and Kime, Part 1, Kiai LLife and history of Bodhidharma Lifestyle Karate MMotobu-ryū Muso Gonnosuke KatsuyoshiMēkata, Okinawan Dance Makiwara – The punching Board of KarateMuscle memory MuchimiMcDojo Phenomenon Meniscus injuryMy interpretation: Shuto-uke My interpretation: Gedan-baraiMy interpretation: Uchi-uke My interpretation: Soto-ukeMy interpretation: Age-uke NNaginata Naihanchi KataNew photograph of Itosu Ankō OOkinawan Landscapes and Gardens Overextending/Overstretched! PPinan or Heian Practice KihonPinan/Heian Kata RRyukyuan Caste System Rules about the Embusen SShorin vs Shorei Shurijo restoration, Five years laterShin Gi Tai Shima – Okinawan SumoShurijo Castle, Ryukyuan History and Cultural Heritage Sōkon “Bushi” MatsumuraShōshin Nagamine Strength training – Yes or No! TTomari Iyumachi Fish Market TamaudunThe History of Wanshu The Importance of Okinawan Martial Arts HeritageTracing the Story of Karate Tiě Shā Zhǎng (Iron Palm Training)The 36 Clans of the Min-People To search for the old!Tegumi: The Foundation of Shima – Okinawan Sumo! TegumiTai Kitae – Body Conditioning The seven virtues of BushidoThree levels of bunkai Ten Precepts of KarateTake a breath The word KimeTaikyoku Kata Tsumasaki-geriTsuki – The way I do it UUnveiling Kata Jion’s Origins Use of forceUse of Hikite VValue of Karate YYour Ultimate Motivation Guide Yoshitaka Funakoshi’s Shotokan