Practice Kihon


Kihon means basic technique; here we practice the basic techniques repeatedly.
In addition to the technical aspects such as punches, blocks, and kicks, proper posture, balance, and breathing are also trained.

As the popularity of Karate grew, especially after Karate reached Japan, Kihon became an integral part of daily training. Of course, training in individual techniques has always been there, but now training is done in groups in an almost military way.

Training Kihon, or Kata for that matter, gives an improvement in one’s technical skills as well as the development of a coordinated movement. The instructor has the opportunity to adjust and correct the students when they perform the basic technique and this to the smallest detail.
Timing and tactics can’t be trained in connection with Kihon. For that to work, we have to train Kumite drills instead.

So, let us drop Kihon and only train Kumite drills. In that way, we can train timing, tactics, and technique at once, and that without unnecessary muscle tension.

Houston, we have a problem!

If you only train Kumite drills with a partner or on pads, timing, and tactical chores will overshadow the technique. Therefore, it is important to isolate the technique without the influence of the other two aspects.


The advantage of training Kihon is that this is done without a partner. We must not concentrate on anything other than ourselves as well as improving our technical skills.
The downside is that you properly stop the technique with muscle tension to protect the joints.
We must therefore use Kihon to improve our control over the body, as well as maintain mental focus on the performing technique. One must think inwardly and everything outside should be ignored. This will give the technique strength and we get improved body control, which helps to expand our technical skills in the long term.


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